The HappyPo not only cleans all buttocks, but also the female intimate area. The HappyPo is suitable for daily use and is recommended by experts during menstruation as well as during and after pregnancy.
Can prevent against:
- Bladder infections
- Itching
- Dryness
- Skin tags
- Vaginal thrush
- Increased sensitivity
Women have been using bidets for decades to feel fresh and clean. Water is the most natural way to protect the vaginal flora from infection. Like a conventional bidet, HappyPo flushes simply removes the bacteria and provides an all-round good feeling underneath
HappyPos are a small step for intimate hygiene and a big step for men's health! Gastrointestinal tract stays healthy in the long term.
Can prevent against:
- Hemorrhoids
- Rectal inflammation
- Itchiness
- Rectal infections
- Prostate inflammation
- Unpleasant smells
Men listen up! Rectal health and prostate are not topics that people like to talk about. But they are important issues. Bidets can support daily care and prevent serious health problems. A HappyPo a day keeps the doctor away...

For the little ones, it's not only easy to use, it's also a lot of fun! Now you can play water park every day.
Can prevent:
- Sore bottoms
- Skin irritation
- Unpleasant odors
- Small accidents
Potty training successfully completed? Going to the toilet works almost as well as with the big ones? Then now is the right time to learn hygiene in a playful way with HappyPo. Water jets are not only fun, they also help with sore bottoms!
50 percent less toilet paper doesn't sound like much. But makes a huge difference! If only every second person used a HappyPo, we could save 2.5 million kilos of plastic packaging and 65 trillion liters of water every year. 130,000 fewer trees would be felled and 470 million kilos less CO2 would be emitted.
Toilet paper doesn't fix the problem, it just spreads it. The “problem”: our chair. Or the bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that live there. Although they help us with digestion, they can cause infections and diseases outside the intestine. And the smell is just not delicious apple pie. Toilet paper minimizes the problem, but does not clean thoroughly. And our skin often reacts sensitively to all the swiping back and forth.
No. While wet wipes can remove stool more thoroughly, they often irritate the skin unnecessarily. This is due to the fragrances and alcohols it contains. And they didn't lose anything on our buttocks. In addition, the wet wipes are neither particularly good for the environment nor for the sewage system. So-called fatbergs, sometimes as big as buses, regularly block tunnels. These monsters are not only made of fat, but mainly of diapers and wet wipes.
Corn non! When we think of bidets, perhaps we are just thinking of the marble-tiled bathrooms of the noblesse. But that's exactly what we want to change. We want everyone to be able to afford a bidet, no matter how, where and what they live on. No more expensive renovations, no complicated plumbing, and no more confusion with a weird baby bath tub. Viva la HappyPo!
Because we've kind of forgotten about bidets. Originally, in the so-called Western world, bidets were actually reserved for the upper class and were considered a luxury item. In addition, they were often associated with female intimate hygiene and overly revealing sexuality. Outlawed as unnecessary luxury and lewd frivolity, the bidet never made it into the average bathroom.
Yes, that's right. With HappyPo you not only feel cleaner, fresher and healthier. A study from the UK has shown that cleaning with water also removes faecal bacteria. And because you don't even touch your butt directly with the HappyPo, you also avoid direct contact between your hand and the chair. That way, germs and the like don't get far.
A very good question! The HappyPo not only cleans your buttocks, but your entire intimate area. For one thing, bacteria are not simply swept from A to B and then lead to infections in the wrong places. On the other hand, women can also rinse their vulva with water and men their penis and testicles.
This is very simple and not really different from drying your hands or hair. After using the HappyPo, your bottom will still be a little wet. Then you can either take a few pieces of toilet paper or a dry washcloth or a towel. Even if your bottom should be completely clean after the butt shower, it is important that you change the washcloth and towel regularly. Alternatively, you can simply let your butt dry in the air.
In order to be able to answer this question with scientific precision, none other than the HappyPo team undertook a field test. Using life, limb and butt, the team ended up with an average drying time of 38 seconds. If you look at life on earth from the first protozoa to the present day, it is not long. You can also use these 38 seconds for beautiful thoughts. For example, how you don't use toilet paper right now and save trees from certain deforestation death!
Aha, now we come to the really exciting part. The HappyPo can be used very well before and after sex. The butt shower not only cleans your buttocks, but also your entire genital area. During sex, foreign bacteria often get lost in our most sensitive parts and can wreak havoc there. Thorough cleaning after sex can prevent vaginal thrush and bladder infections in particular.
Yes, you can and you should. Light water pressure, like a sitz bath, can help reduce feelings of pressure and relieve pain. Toilet paper often aggravates symptoms like itching and burning and can cause sensitive skin to become even more irritated. HappyPo, on the other hand, cleanses gently and without irritation.
Yes. Midwives even recommend bidets to care for the female genital and anal areas during and after pregnancy. Bidets are particularly gentle on the skin, which can be very sensitive and swollen, especially before and after childbirth. In addition, the HappyPo is a great option for mums-to-be who are no longer so flexible and for whom wiping with toilet paper is simply exhausting.
Then there is a bidet a good option for you! Doctors even expressly recommend the HappyPos for patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and the chronic inflammatory bowel disease Crohn's disease. The gentle jet of water irritates the bottom far less than conventional toilet paper and does not dry out even very sensitive skin.
Our butt showers are perfect for all buttocks of all shapes and sizes. However, the same applies to the HappyPos as to all other intimate care products: Please be careful and handle them carefully. Please only use lukewarm water and only apply gentle pressure.
The design of the HappyPo Easy-Bidets comes from Germany. Our development team has put a lot of thought into ergonomics and tested a large number of versions. Now the HappyPos lie well in your hand and a light pressure on the bottle is enough to get your bottom nice and clean. How much pressure you have to exert and how firm you like your water jet is ultimately up to you. Practice makes perfect!
Oh, of course this is a very bad situation. So that you never sit on the toilet with an empty HappyPot and start contorting wildly towards the tap, it is best to fill your HappyPot to the top every time. If you still find yourself running dry on a regular basis, it's best to get our XL Easy-Bidet (450 milliliters), which has 50 percent more volume than the normal Easy-Bidet (350 milliliters).
Brrr! No, under no circumstances should you use cold water. As you now know, the skin around your bottom is very sensitive, she is a spoiled princess and doesn't like trips to the North Pole. She feels best in late summer on the Mediterranean coast. We therefore recommend that you only use lukewarm water.
Of course! Of course, our butt revolution leaves this fundamental right untouched. You can celebrate going to the toilet in all form and stock up on complete with sports section, moderately difficult sudokus and tax returns. Or take a few selfies for your dating app and then have your annual call on Zoom. No matter what you do: As long as you only swipe your screen and not your butt, we're happy!
The average delivery time for HappyPo products is 5-7 days.
The warranty period for the purchase of used items is one year.
You have the right to withdraw from this contract within fourteen days.
Dein HappyPo ist normalerweise innerhalb von 5 Tagen bei dir.
Du hast ein Jahr Garantie auf deinen neuen HappyPo.
Unbenutzte Artikel kannst du innerhalb von 14 Tagen zurückgeben.
Le délai moyen de livraison des produits HappyPo est de 5 à 7 jours.
La période de garantie pour l'achat d'articles d'occasion est d'un an.
Vous avez le droit de vous rétracter du présent contrat dans un délai de quatorze jours.
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